Our updated website is up and running. If you haven’t seen it I encourage you to do so, at www.bespokeninternational.com. It will continue to expand and grow so check back now and then!
When you visit the site you’ll see on the home page a link for ‘One of a Million’, which is a call to pray for America. Today, as this blog is posted, RISE UP 2017 is being held in Washington, D.C. www.thecall.com
This follows four days of prayer for our nation on the mall, www.awakenthedawn.org. Did you know this was happening? Each of our 50 states had a tent of worship and for these days representatives – just regular people like you and me – fasted sleep and food and comfort to worship and pray for a new Jesus movement. I watched parts of it online and it was powerful.
This Wednesday I plan to begin a prayer meeting in my home in which we will pray for this nation. In the past Jim and I have held many prayer meetings to pray for other nations and I’m sure we will again. However, this time the focus is the United States. Included in this invitation are some ideas of how to host such a meeting. Mine will be held from 9-10 am (not 8-9 as stated due to morning traffic). There is a beginning date and an end date, which keeps it do-able for many of us. Now and then I’ll send a short note of ideas to keep your prayer times focused and fresh.
I encourage you to go to the website and if you will, sign up! This isn’t for any other reason than to let us know others are joining in and frankly, to encourage us. Find a time and way that works for you and let us pray for God’s grace and mercy on our land. After all, for as much as we know Jesus loved Martha, the do-er, For Love Of Martha, He will always and ever stand up for and defend those who go the extra mile to express their extravagant love and worship. We see that both with Mary the sister of Martha and Mary who poured out her gift of oil as worship.
Prayer for a nation, for the souls of women and men. Prayer for His kingdom to come, for hearts to be open and for the gospel to fall on hearts that are good, prepared soil. It is time and it is a wonderful way to Love Yourself and Others, To Life. Join in and be One of a Million