Spiritual Direction

“It is easier to find guides, someone to tell you what to do, than someone to be with you in a discerning, prayerful companionship as you work it out yourself. This is what spiritual direction is.” ~ Eugene H. Peterson

When one speaks, one wants to be heard. Listening with intention, to hear the heart of God in a matter, is at the heart of spiritual direction and formation. It is also the heartbeat of Bespoken International.


What and Why:

How often I have wished for someone to hear my heart, to stop long enough to listen as my soul cried out, ‘There has to be more than this!” My vision is to help others who feel the same way, those pursuing a deeper life with Christ. In spiritual direction, I do this by listening to you and for God’s heart, for you. As we listen, we find His presence in our everyday lives, and become more aware of His awareness of us as individuals. As this happens, we learn to slow down and allow our gaze to linger on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, making space for our hearts to be transformed, as our lives are given hope and peace in a restless world. 

I have been in the business of journeying with people as we seek to know The Lord for over 40 years. My husband and I, along with our children when they were young, served both in the church in the US as well as overseas in various nations. In all this serving and all the years of various training and preparation which I, myself have gone through, nothing has impacted my own life in as deep and transformative a way as spiritual direction. Because of this, I look forward to walking with many others as we learn to listen, hear, and believe God’s heart for us, together. 


Using the ancient and powerful tools brought to us through the desert and Celtic church fathers, each hour- long session helps restore our focus back on what is truly true. For anyone who feels stuck in their walk with God, or who is simply longing to be heard in a safe, Christ-centered space, spiritual direction can be a helpful resource. As a spiritual director, I listen, both to you and to Holy Spirit, with you. And I commit to pray with and for you.


Here are some questions to ask if you’re wondering if spiritual direction is for you:

  • Can I learn to hear God’s voice? 
  • Is God speaking to me in ways I’m missing and not aware of?
  • Where is He? I can’t find Him in this season of life, or in my current situation.
  • Does He hear and care about my longing for more of Him?
  • How can I discern His leading when I feel stuck in my walk with Him?
  • Does my life story matter? Is He even aware of me?

When and Where: 

I am based in Colorado Springs. Most of my sessions take place through FaceTime or Zoom, although if you’re in the area, we may meet in person.

  • The general time frame for SD is a one-hour session, once a month, although this will be determined by the Directee, not myself. The charge is $75/hour, payable via Zelle or Venmo or PayPal, at the time of the session. 


Use this form to send a message. I’ll be in touch to set up a time for a free 30-minute consultation about my spiritual direction practice.

Spiritual Direction Interest Form

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