One of a Million

A call has gone out from ministry leaders across the United States for a million women, and men as well,
to pray for God’s mercy on our children and our land. Will you be one of a million?

When I first heard this call to intercession in early September, 2017, my heart was stirred as I have been awakened at night frequently in months past to pray for the generations that follow mine as well as numerous nations. This fire in my bones to see a spirit of mercy and repentance come and for the fear of the Lord to be known again has burned stronger as weeks go by. Therefore I am choosing to open my home for an hour a week, inviting friends who also share this burden, to pray. Here’s how it will look at my house:

  • We will meet for one hour, at a time when it suits my schedule. If 20 people show up, fantastic! If it is just me, I will set aside that time to pray for these specific things and that will be equally fantastic, knowing I am One Of A Million and my voice, my prayer is not missing from the cry being lifted to the Lord.
  • When Holy Spirit is moving strong and we pray for more than an hour – glory! That will be wonderful. However, for the most part I will limit it to one hour.
  • I ask that whomever comes bring their own coffee or drink of choice. I have a gift of hospitality but this is not about that! Of course anyone is welcome to help themselves to coffee or water but this is not a coffee klatch: this is an hour set aside to pray. So no muffins, no daintily arranged fruit slices on a platter. This is a battle we’re engaged in! The celebration can come once we’ve won. In other words, it’s not about hosting a tea party so preparation is solely of the heart, to intercede.
  • There will be a beginning and end date. I plan to host my first meeting on October 18  and the last one will be February 21, 2018.  Again, if the Lord impresses us to keep going we will, but this is not about starting something that never ends. That’s far too intimidating and too much to ask of already full schedules.

“This may be the most decisive moment in the history of America as a last stand against unrighteousness. Can a nation be saved in a day? Yes, when women pray! In the 1960s-70s, a million mothers cried out to God for their lost children, and mass salvation broke out. Once again, women must birth a sweeping new Jesus Movement, rising up in the nation as great evangelists and spiritual mothers to turn us back to God.”



Not one IN a million; not just one in a multitude where no one knows or cares if you show up. Not one of so many your chances of making an impact aren’t really all that great. Rather, be one OF a million. Your voice matters. Your prayer could be the tipping point that causes the bowls of intercession to be poured out on generations and nations desperately in need of hope.

For friends far away, I encourage you to start your own prayer time and group. Set a time that works for you. Don’t get caught up in cleaning your house and having the right snacks: rather, come with hearts prepared to do battle in the heavens! Set a start date and an end date. Most of all, allow the Lord to speak to your heart about this and join family from around the globe as we pray for our families, friends and nations. Watch and be amazed at what the Lord will do.

We’d love to hear from you when you begin your prayer meeting! Let us know when you are meeting and send us your answers to prayer or insights gained. We will pray for you as you gather and post some of the testimonies of what God is doing.

Corporate prayer is powerful and effective, but if you are unable for any reason to meet in a group, please just PRAY! I know many of you pray often throughout the day already, and ‘praying without ceasing’ has become a lifestyle. Consider this your invitation to keep going or get going as you join your voice with so many others across the nation and around the world in intercession for our young people and our nation(s) as a whole. You’re not alone and your voice is heard along with all the rest: One million voices strong petitioning God for mercy.

For the sake of the world, for the sake of the one, let’s do this thing! With you, one million voices strong we will petition the Lord for mercy and watch and worship as He answers our cry.

Hope is rising in America. 

We can and will turn back to God.

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